Know Your Birthstone

Know Your Birthstone

Enter your date of birth to find out your birthstone:

Discover the gemstone associated with your birth month using our easy-to-use online calculator. Enter your date of birth and learn the significance of your january birthstone to december birthstone today.

What Are January Birthstone to December?

Birthstones are gemstones that have been traditionally associated with each month of the year. They are believed to have special properties and symbolism that can enhance your life, and have been used for centuries for healing and protection.

To know your birthstone, simply enter your date of birth and the calculator will display your birthstone and its associated symbolism and properties.

 1.    January
 Purity, truth, and faithfulness
 2.    February
 Peace, stability, and inner strength
 3.    March
 Courage, mental clarity, and good health
 4.    April
 Love, strength, and eternal commitment
 5.    May
 Loyalty, friendship, and balance
 6.    June
 Purity, innocence, and faith
 7.    July
 Vitality, passion, and courage
 8.    August
 Healing, good luck, peace, and success
 9.    September
 Wisdom, truth, and sincerity
 10. October
 Creativity, passion, and spontaneity
 11. November
 Happiness, prosperity, and courage
 12. December
 Protection, healing, and spiritual renewal

How Are Birthstones Determined?

The selection of birthstones is based on historical and cultural traditions. The modern list of birthstones was established by the National Association of Jewelers in 1912, and has been updated over time to reflect changes in gemstone availability and popularity.

The Significance of Birthstones

Each birthstone is believed to have its own unique significance and symbolism. For example, January’s birthstone is the garnet, which is said to bring peace, prosperity, and good health. Meanwhile, August’s birthstone is the peridot, which symbolizes strength, protection, and healing. By wearing your birthstone, you can tap into its special properties and enhance your life in meaningful ways.

How to Use Our Birthstone Calculator

Our birthstone calculator is a simple and easy-to-use tool. All you need to do is enter your date of birth, and the calculator will tell you which gemstone is associated with your birth month. You can then learn more about the significance of your birthstone and how it can benefit your life. You can also use the information to select jewelry or other gifts featuring your birthstone, making them even more meaningful.


Using our online birthstone calculator is a fun and enlightening way to discover the gemstone associated with your birth month. By learning about the significance and symbolism of your birthstone, you can tap into its special properties and enhance your life in meaningful ways. Try our calculator today and start your journey into the world of birthstones.

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